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British Empire the collective name for the lands formerly ruled by the British monarch.
Buckingham Palace the London residence of the British monarch.
constable in the medieval period, a high-ranking military officer serving a monarch. [1/2 definitions]
crown a circlet or headdress, often made of precious materials, worn by a king, queen, emperor, or other monarch, usu. on state occasions, as a symbol of sovereignty. [2/21 definitions]
despot a monarch or other leader who rules tyrannically or oppressively. [1/2 definitions]
king a male head of a royal family who reigns for life as a monarch. [1/4 definitions]
King's Birthday in the UK and much of the Commonwealth, a public holiday on the second Saturday in June to officially celebrate the monarch's birthday when the monarch is a king.
lawgiver one who gives a code of laws to a people, such as a monarch, chieftain, or religious leader. [1/2 definitions]
monarch see "monarch butterfly." [1/2 definitions]
monarchical pertaining to, belonging to, or like a monarch or monarchy. [1/2 definitions]
monarchy government by a ruler such as a king or queen, or in the name of such monarch, whose power is either absolute or limited by a constitution. [3 definitions]
princess a female closely related to a monarch, esp. a daughter. [1/4 definitions]
privy council a body of counselors or advisers that serves and is usu. appointed by a monarch.
queen a female ruler or monarch. [1/4 definitions]
Queen's Birthday in the UK and much of the Commonwealth, a public holiday on the second Saturday in June to officially celebrate the monarch's birthday, when the monarch is a woman.
reign rule by a monarch. [2/5 definitions]
republic a political order headed by an elected or chosen official as opposed to a hereditary monarch. [1/3 definitions]
royal of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign or monarch. [2/5 definitions]
royalty character or bearing that befits a monarch or other sovereign; nobility. [1/4 definitions]
sovereign a monarch or other royal ruler. [1/5 definitions]
subject a person who owes allegiance to a monarch or to a state. [1/14 definitions]