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Andromeda in Greek mythology, an Ethiopian princess whom Perseus, son of Zeus and Danae, rescues from a monster and marries. [1/2 definitions]
beast an animal or human that acts like a cruel or brutal monster. [1/3 definitions]
chimera a mythical fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a snake's tail. [1/3 definitions]
dragon an imaginary monster that looks like a giant lizard with wings, claws, and a long tail. In stories or pictures, dragons breathe fire and often guard a place or treasure.
Frankenstein the title character of Mary W. Shelley's early nineteenth-century novel, who creates a monster that destroys him. [2/3 definitions]
Gorgon in Greek mythology, any of three monster sisters that have snakes for hair and can turn beholders into stone. [1/2 definitions]
griffin a mythical monster depicted in art with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.
leviathan a Biblical sea monster. [1/3 definitions]
Minotaur in Greek mythology, a monster that is half bull and half man, confined in the Cretan Labyrinth.
ogre an ugly giant or monster in folk tales and children's stories. Ogres are said to eat people. [1/2 definitions]
Perseus in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Danae, who slew Medusa and used her head with its fatal stare to save Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. [1/2 definitions]
terato- monster.