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a.m. the time between twelve o'clock in the night and twelve o'clock in the day; morning.
Angelus (often l.c.) a prayer recited by some Roman Catholics at morning, noon, and night in memory of the Annunciation. [1/2 definitions]
bonjour (French) good day or good morning; hello.
breakfast the first meal of the day, which people usually eat in the morning.
brunch a meal that is breakfast and lunch together. People eat brunch in the late morning.
buenos dias (Spanish) good morning; good day.
buon giorno (Italian) good morning; good day.
coffee break a short rest from work, usu. in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, for coffee or other refreshments.
dawn the first light of day that appears in the morning.
daybreak the first daylight in the morning; dawn.
early bird one who gets up early in the morning. [1/2 definitions]
eye-opener an alcoholic drink taken early in the morning. [1/2 definitions]
five o'clock shadow (informal) the later appearance of new beard growth on a man's face, even though he has shaved in the morning.
forenoon the part of the day before noon; morning.
gamopetalous having fused or partly fused petals that form a tubelike corolla, such as that of the morning-glory.
good morning used as an expression of greeting or farewell in the morning.
graveyard shift (informal) a work shift that extends through the early morning hours, often beginning at midnight. [1/2 definitions]
ipomoea a plant of the morning glory family that has heart-shaped leaves and bears showy flowers. [1/2 definitions]
jalap the dried root of any of several plants belonging to the morning-glory family, used as a purgative. [1/2 definitions]
matinee a movie, play, or other performance held in the morning or afternoon.
matins (often cap.) in the Anglican Church, the prayer service held in the morning. [1/2 definitions]