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abstention in parliamentary procedure, a declaration that one intends not to vote on a motion. [1/2 definitions]
Academy Award an award given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievement in motion picture production and performance, also called an Oscar.
actuate to put into action or set in motion; cause to operate. [1/2 definitions]
aeromechanics (used with a sing. verb) the science of air or gases in motion or equilibrium.
agitate to cause to move in a quick, tumbling motion or with force; shake. [1/3 definitions]
airsickness motion sickness, usu. including nausea, caused by air travel.
along in a progressive motion; forward. [1/5 definitions]
anchor a heavy device, connected by a cable to a boat or ship, that is dropped to the bottom of a body of water to restrict the vessel's motion. [2/7 definitions]
animate characterized by motion or the ability to move. [1/9 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a series of drawings showing stages of movement. The motion seems real when the drawings are shown quickly one after another.
armature a coil-wrapped iron core that rotates in a magnetic field to induce electrical current in a generator, or that produces motion in an electrical motor when current is passed through it. [1/4 definitions]
backhoe an excavating vehicle with a large metal bucket that is drawn toward the vehicle in a digging motion.
backlash an abrupt and sometimes violent motion or movement backward. [1/3 definitions]
backstroke the arm motion of a swimmer moving along on his or her back.
balk in baseball, an unpermitted, usu. deceptive, motion by a pitcher with one or more runners on base. [1/7 definitions]
ballet a form of dance characterized by precise, stylized motion and intricate choreography. [1/4 definitions]
ballistics (used with a sing. verb) the scientific study of the motion and properties of missiles such as bullets and rockets. [1/3 definitions]
bang (informal) a sudden burst of energy or motion. [1/11 definitions]
beckon to signal to come using a motion of the head or hands.
biodynamic1 of or pertaining to the branch of biology dealing with the motion of living organisms. [1/2 definitions]
biodynamic2 the branch of biology dealing with the motion of living organisms. [1/2 definitions]