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alternate to move back and forth indefinitely between two or more conditions, places, or actions (usu. fol. by "between"). [1/9 definitions]
antiperistalsis reverse movement in the intestines, alimentary canal, or similar organs, causing the contents of these organs to move backwards.
back to move backward or in the reverse direction (often fol. by "up"). [1/15 definitions]
back up to move backward or drive in reverse. [1/8 definitions]
crisscross to move back and forth over. [1/6 definitions]
get back to move backwards or away from something. [1/4 definitions]
have sternway on of a vessel, to move backward.
joggle to move back and forth rapidly but gently; shake. [1/3 definitions]
recede1 to move back to a previous low level or point, as water. [1/2 definitions]
retreat to move backwards. [1/8 definitions]
retrocede1 to go or move back; recede; retire.
rock2 to move back and forth while sitting in a rocking chair or on some other thing designed for backward and forward movement, such as a child's pretend horse. [2/9 definitions]
shake to move back and forth or up and down with rapid, jerky motions. [1/16 definitions]
shuttle to move or cause to move back and forth repeatedly by, or as if by, a shuttle. [1/7 definitions]
swing to cause (something hanging or suspended) to move back and forth around a point or on an axis. [3/25 definitions]
vibrate to move back and forth very rapidly and steadily; oscillate. [2/6 definitions]
waver1 to move back and forth in a fluttering motion; sway. [1/6 definitions]
wigwag to move back and forth. [1/3 definitions]
withdraw to move back or away, esp. from an emotional state or social environment; retreat. [1/4 definitions]