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abolitionism a movement in the United States in the 1800s whose goal was to free the people who were slaves and make slavery against the law.
acetylcholine a form of this compound used in medicine for its ability to decrease blood pressure and cause muscular movement in such organs as the alimentary canal. [1/2 definitions]
action a movement or series of movements. [1/6 definitions]
active capable of constant or quick movement. [1/7 definitions]
adagio in music, a passage, movement, or piece that is played adagio. [1/4 definitions]
advance a forward movement in space. [1/8 definitions]
aerodynamic having a smooth, even shape that offers the least possible resistance to air currents or movement.
agile quick and graceful in physical movement; nimble. [1/2 definitions]
agitato quick and restless or excited in movement or style; agitated (used as a musical direction).
air movement of the atmosphere; breeze or wind. [1/6 definitions]
airfoil any aircraft part or surface, such as a wing or rudder, designed to utilize aircurrents to aid in propelling, lifting, and controlling movement.
air traffic movement of airplanes and other air transportation vehicles through the air or on runways.
allegretto an allegretto passage, movement, or piece. [1/2 definitions]
allegro an allegro passage, movement, or piece. [1/2 definitions]
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis a disease that causes loss of control in muscle movement because of the degeneration of nerve cells; Lou Gehrig's disease.
andante an andante passage, movement, or piece. [1/2 definitions]
andantino an andantino passage, movement, or piece. [1/2 definitions]
angle of incidence the angle that the line of movement of a body or of radiation, meeting a surface, makes with a line that is at right angles to the surface at the point of meeting.
animal rights a movement that works for the rights of animals. People in favor of animal rights believe that animals should not be hurt or killed just to make the lives of humans easier.
animate to give the illusion of movement. [1/6 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a series of drawings showing stages of movement. The motion seems real when the drawings are shown quickly one after another.