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bronchiectasis a diseased condition of the airways associated with chronic dilation of the bronchi or bronchial tubes, with symptoms such as the coughing up of mucus or blood, chest pain, and shortness of breath. [1/2 definitions]
death rattle a gurgling or rattling sound that sometimes issues from a dying person who can no longer cough up mucus in the throat; rale.
dysentery an infectious disease of the lower bowel, causing pain, severe diarrhea, and passage of blood and mucus. [1/2 definitions]
frog1 a hoarse human sound caused by mucus on the vocal cords. [1/2 definitions]
hay fever an allergic reaction to plant pollen, characterized by mucus from the nose, sneezing, and headache.
head cold a respiratory infection characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes, nasal congestion, and discharge of mucus; common cold.
menses (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the periodic discharge of blood, mucus, and cells built up in the mammalian uterus in preparation to receive an embryo and discarded when fertilization of the egg has not taken place.
menstruate to periodically discharge blood, mucus, and dead cells from the uterus, as by a female of child-bearing age.
menstruation the usu. periodic process of discharging blood, mucus, and dead cells from the mammalian uterus when the egg is not fertilized. [1/2 definitions]
mucosa a membrane that secretes mucus, lining all body parts that are in direct or indirect contact with the exterior.
mucous producing, secreting, or containing mucus. [2 definitions]
phlegm a thick mucus that is produced in the respiratory tract esp. during a cold, and discharged by coughing. [1/3 definitions]
pip2 an infectious disease of fowl and other birds that causes an accumulation of mucus in the throat.
plaque a film of bacteria and mucus that commonly forms on teeth. [1/3 definitions]
postnasal drip a discharge of mucus from the back of the nasal cavity into the throat, usu. brought about by an allergy or cold.
runny flowing with mucus. [1/2 definitions]
snivel mucus that runs from the nose. [1/4 definitions]
snotty soiled or covered with nasal mucus. [1/2 definitions]
sputum material that is spat or coughed out, such as saliva or mucus.
villus any hairlike process on certain mucous membranes of the body that absorb nutrients, secrete mucus, or exchange materials, as in the small intestine or the mammalian placenta. [1/2 definitions]