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bedaub to cover with daubs or smears, as of paint or mud.
bedraggled dirty, wet, or limp from having wandered or been dragged through mud and water. [1/2 definitions]
clay wet earth or ground; mud. [1/3 definitions]
daub to smear with mud, dirt, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
dirt material such as mud or dust. [1/2 definitions]
draggle to soil or wet by dragging through mud. [2/3 definitions]
duckboard boarding placed over a wet floor or mud to provide a dry surface for walking.
geyser a spring that shoots a stream of hot water, steam, or mud into the air from time to time.
gumbo a silty soil that becomes sticky when wet; mud. [1/3 definitions]
hut a small house or shelter. A hut is sometimes made of dry grass or mud.
jacal a hut made of closely set wooden stakes that is plastered with mud and roofed with straw or rushes, found in Mexico and the southwestern United States.
leech a kind of worm that lives in water or mud and sucks blood from animals. Leeches were once used in medicine to draw blood from people. Leaches are still sometimes used to prevent blood from clotting when reattaching fingers and toes that have been cut off.
mire deep, heavy mud or soil. [4/7 definitions]
muck wet soil or mud with a high organic content. [1/7 definitions]
mud dauber any of various wasps that build cells of mud for their larvae.
muddy covered with or full of mud. [2 definitions]
mudfish any of various fishes, such as the bowfin, inhabiting mud or muddy water.
mudguard a shield or flap over the wheel of a vehicle to deflect mud and stones thrown by the wheel's motion. [2 definitions]
mud hut a simple dwelling made of mud.
mudslide a flow of mud and debris down a gradual slope.
nest a structure used by a bird to lay eggs and rear young. Nests are built in trees and other protected places using materials such as twigs and mud. [1/5 definitions]