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cloudy not clear; muddy. [1/2 definitions]
footprint a mark pressed by a foot onto a surface, such as a step in wet sand or a print left by a muddy shoe.
foul very dirty or muddy. [1/11 definitions]
gooey (informal) resembling or covered with goo; gluey; sticky; muddy. [1/2 definitions]
mimic octopus a type of brown octopus that lives along the shallow muddy bottoms of river mouths off the coast of Southeast Asia that has the capability of mimicking toxic species, such as sole, lionfish, and seasnake.
miry covered or spattered with mire; muddy or dirty. [1/2 definitions]
mudder a racehorse that runs well on a muddy track.
muddle to stir up (a drink, muddy water, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
muddy to cover with mud; make muddy. [1/2 definitions]
mudfish any of various fishes, such as the bowfin, inhabiting mud or muddy water.
mudroom a room in a house, esp. a farmhouse, that is used for the removal and storage of wet and muddy footwear and outerwear.
ooze2 any particularly soft mud, or an area, such as a marsh, that is soft and muddy. [1/2 definitions]
rile to stir up and make (water or the like) cloudy or muddy; roil. [1/2 definitions]
roil to make (a liquid) turbid by stirring; make cloudy or muddy. [1/3 definitions]
roily showing the effects of roiling; cloudy, muddy, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
sloppy wet or muddy. [1/3 definitions]
turbid clouded or murky because of stirred-up particles or sediment; muddy. [1/3 definitions]
wallow a muddy rut, pool, or other site where animals wallow. [1/6 definitions]