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assassinate to murder for pay or for political reasons.
blood murder or slaughter; bloodshed. [1/7 definitions]
blood money compensation paid to a murder victim's next of kin. [1/3 definitions]
bravo a villain, esp. a person hired to commit murder. [1/4 definitions]
bump off (slang) to murder.
burke to murder by suffocation, leaving the body unmarked and intact. [1/2 definitions]
butcher to murder viciously or indiscriminately. [1/6 definitions]
capital punishment punishment, of a crime such as murder, by death.
corpus delicti in a case of suspected murder, the body of the victim. [1/2 definitions]
detective story a fictional account of how a crime, usu. a murder, is solved by an amateur or professional detective.
ethnic cleansing the mass murder, incarceration, or forced emigration of members of an ethnic minority within a particular nation in order to establish an ethnically homogeneous population.
felon1 a person who has committed a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or burglary; one who has committed a felony.
felony a serious crime such as murder or robbery.
first-degree murder a premeditated murder, carried out with deliberate intention to kill.
hatchet man (informal) a person hired by another to commit murder. [1/3 definitions]
homicide the act of killing another person; murder. [1/2 definitions]
Iago in Othello, the villain who causes Othello to suspect his wife of unfaithfulness and then murder her.
infanticide the murder of an infant. [1/2 definitions]
kill1 to murder. [1/10 definitions]
murder to commit murder. [1/5 definitions]
murderous guilty or capable of murder; likely or intending to commit murder. [2/3 definitions]