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a1 the sixth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
absolute pitch the exact pitch of a single musical tone as determined by its rate of vibrations as measured on a standard scale. [1/2 definitions]
accelerando gradually speeding up in tempo (used as a musical direction).
accompaniment part of a musical composition that is intended to support more central parts. [1/2 definitions]
accompanist one who provides a musical accompaniment, esp. on a piano.
accordion a musical instrument with a keyboard that is small enough to carry. An accordion is played by pressing the keys and squeezing the bellows to force air through metal reeds.
achromatic consisting of diatonic tones of the musical scale; without changes in pitch or key. [1/3 definitions]
acoustic able to make musical sounds without using electricity. [1/2 definitions]
adagio slowly (used as a musical direction). [1/4 definitions]
ad libitum at one's pleasure (used as a musical direction to indicate that a section so marked may be varied, improvised upon, or omitted, as the performer wishes, or as a stage direction to indicate that the performer may improvise).
aeolian harp a musical instrument consisting of an open box with gut strings stretched across it that produce rising and falling sounds when wind passes over them.
agitato quick and restless or excited in movement or style; agitated (used as a musical direction).
album a book with blank pages or empty pockets in which a collection can be placed. An album can hold photographs, stamps, or mementos. [1/2 definitions]
al fine to the finish (used as a musical direction to continue to the end of a repeated section).
allargando gradually slower and broader, with more weight or power (used as a musical direction).
allegretto light, graceful, and quick in tempo, but slower than allegro (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]
allegro fast and brisk in tempo (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]
alto a musical instrument having the second highest range in its family of instruments. [2/4 definitions]
alto clef in musical notation, a clef with middle C on the middle line of the staff, or the sign identifying this clef; viola clef.
andante moderately slow in tempo (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]
andantino somewhat faster than andante in tempo (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]