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Aaron according to the Old Testament, the older brother of Moses and the first high priest of the Hebrew nation.
aggressor a person, group, animal, or nation that starts aggression against another.
ambassador a person who is chosen to represent his or her nation in an international organization. [1/3 definitions]
angary the legal right of a state or nation at war to seize, destroy, or otherwise use the property of a neutral state, provided proper compensation is made.
annex to make part of an existing nation or city. [1/3 definitions]
anti-British being against the British nation or the British people.
armed forces all the military forces of a nation or group of nations.
army (sometimes cap.) the military land force of a nation. [1/3 definitions]
attorney general the chief law officer and legal advisor of a state or nation. [1/2 definitions]
autarky an economically self-sufficient nation or region. [1/2 definitions]
auxiliary (pl.) foreign troops assisting those of a nation at war. [1/7 definitions]
balance of payments the difference between a nation's payments to another nation and its receipts from the other nation, including imports, exports, and other flow of capital.
banner a flag that represents a nation. [1/3 definitions]
belligerency the position or status of a belligerent nation; condition of being at war. [1/2 definitions]
belligerent a person, state, or nation engaged in war. [1/4 definitions]
birthday the calendar day and month of one's birth, which is often celebrated as it occurs every year, or the day of the inception of something such as a nation.
Black Muslim a member of the Nation of Islam.
black nationalism (often caps.) a U.S. movement that advocates the establishment of a separate black nation.
Britain (informal) the United Kingdom, a nation consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. [1/2 definitions]
capital1 the city where the central government of a nation or state is located. [1/10 definitions]
Chief Executive (l.c.) a governing head, as of a state or nation. [1/2 definitions]