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aboriginal native to an area; indigenous. [1/3 definitions]
aborigine an original or first inhabitant of an area, esp. a member of a tribe native to Australia. [2 definitions]
adventive not native to or fully established in a locale or environment, as a plant or animal. [1/2 definitions]
Afghan a native or citizen of Afghanistan, or a descendant thereof. [1/5 definitions]
Afrikaner a native South African of European descent, esp. one of Dutch ancestry.
Ainu a member of an aboriginal people native to the northernmost islands of Japan, noted for their ample body hair. [1/3 definitions]
Albanian a native or citizen of Albania, or a descendant thereof. [1/3 definitions]
Aleut a member of a native people of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
almond a tree of the rose family that is native to warm temperate regions, closely related to the cherry. [1/6 definitions]
Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca a Spanish explorer who, after landing on the cape of Florida in 1528 and being stranded in the Gulf coast region for 8 years, published an account of his survival and interaction with the native peoples under the title "La relación" (1542) (b.1490?--d.1557?).
American a native of North, Central, or South America, esp. of Indian ancestry; in the United States, a Native American. [1/5 definitions]
American Indian a member of any of the native peoples of North America, Central America, South America, or the West Indies, except for Eskimos. American Indians are also called Native Americans.
Amerind an Indian or Eskimo native to North or South America. [1/2 definitions]
Anglo-Saxon a person whose nationality, ancestry, or native language is English. [1/5 definitions]
anil a shrub of the pea family that is native to the West Indies, and from which indigo is obtained, or the blue dye itself. [1/2 definitions]
Arab a native of Arabia, or a descendant thereof. [1/4 definitions]
Arabian a native of Arabia; Arab. [1/4 definitions]
Arabian camel the single-humped camel native to the area from North Africa to India; dromedary. (Cf. Bactrian camel.)
araucaria a cone-bearing evergreen native to the Southern Hemisphere and grown as an ornamental elsewhere.
Arcadian a native of Arcadia, or a descendant thereof. [1/4 definitions]
Armenian a native or citizen of Armenia, or a descendant thereof. [1/3 definitions]