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aberrant turning aside from what is natural, right, or true; perverse. [1/2 definitions]
accidental in music, a symbol that indicates that a note should be played or sung one or two semitones higher or lower than is otherwise indicated. In most cases, the pitch is to be raised or lowered by one half step, as from F natural to F sharp. [1/5 definitions]
act of God in law, a sudden unforeseen event, esp. a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado, that is caused entirely by forces of nature and could not have been prevented.
affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy. [1/5 definitions]
alumina natural or synthetic aluminum oxide, occurring in nature as a corundum.
aluminum oxide a natural or synthetic oxide of aluminum; alumina; corundum.
anastomose to connect, either by natural branching growth or by surgery (parts of a blood vessel, nerve, or any branching system).
antinatural combined form of natural.
appetency a natural, instinctive tendency; propensity. [1/2 definitions]
aptitude a natural ability; talent. [1/2 definitions]
art a fine skill that has resulted from natural ability, practice, or study. [1/4 definitions]
artificial made by people; not natural.
artless simple and natural; not artificial. [1/3 definitions]
athlete a person with natural talent in sports or other physical activities. [1/2 definitions]
au naturel in a natural or unadulterated state. [1/3 definitions]
bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease. Bacteria are each made up of only one cell, but different kinds of bacteria can take different shapes. These organisms live in all parts of the earth including oceans, deserts, glaciers, hot springs, and in the bodies of most living things. While some kinds of bacteria are dangerous, most kinds are useful because they help in the digestion of food, in the making of soil, in the creation of medicines, and in many other natural processes.
bald not covered by a natural growth. [1/2 definitions]
barrier a natural bar to passage. [1/3 definitions]
batt natural or synthetic pieces of material used as filler for quilts and the like; batting.
beauty spot a natural mole or other dark mark on the skin. [1/2 definitions]
be oneself to be natural and sincere in manner. [1/2 definitions]