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commodities trade the purchase and sale of raw goods, such as agricultural products or materials derived from natural resources, that have uniform value across an economic market, as opposed to the purchase and sale of services or branded products.
communism (sometimes capitalized) a system of government in which all factories, farms, and natural resources are owned in common.
conservancy a conserving, esp. of natural resources. [2 definitions]
conservation the protection of natural resources such as soil, water, or forests from harm.
conservationist a person who promotes and encourages preservation, esp. of natural resources.
county agent a person employed by the government in rural areas to advise and educate in farming, managing natural resources, home economics, and the like; agricultural agent.
ecocide the destruction of the environment or of ecological systems by indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, dumping of chemical wastes, the use of defoliants and pollutants, and the like.
environmental law the body of laws concerned with protecting the environment from damage caused by human activity, as well as with preserving natural resources and enabling sustainable development.
geography the science of the earth's surface and all life on it. When studying geography, one learns about the different countries and people of the earth, its climate, its natural resources, and its oceans, rivers, and mountains. [1/2 definitions]
natural resource materials that are found in nature and that can be used by people in many ways. Fresh water, soil, coal, and forests are all examples of natural resources.
nonrenewable of or pertaining to a natural resource that, once it has been used, is not replaceable. [1/2 definitions]
real estate land, including the natural resources and permanent buildings on it.
refinery an industrial plant where natural resources such as petroleum and sugar are purified into usable products.
rich having many natural resources. [1/6 definitions]
sustainable agriculture a method of agriculture that allows a farmer to produce crops and raise livestock without damaging the farm as an ecosystem, thus allowing for a conserved or improved natural resource base to be passed on to subsequent generations of farmers.
sustainable development a process of social and economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, esp. with respect to natural resource depletion and environmental pollution.
waste using too much of something that is important to save, especially natural resources and products that come from them. [1/11 definitions]
well2 a deep hole dug in the ground to get water, oil, gas, or other natural resources. [1/4 definitions]