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aeronautics (used with a sing. verb) a science that deals with the design, operation, and navigation of aircraft.
azimuth an arc measured horizontally and clockwise from a point north, in navigation, or a point south, in astronomy, to another point where a vertical circle intersects the horizon. [1/2 definitions]
celestial navigation navigation based on the position of the sun, moon, and stars.
Global Positioning System a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
GPS abbreviation of "Global Positioning System," a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
logbook any book for keeping records of events, navigation details, or the like; log.
loran a navigational system that can determine the position of a ship or aircraft by measuring the time interval between pulsed radio signals from two known ground stations (acronym for "long range navigation").
mariner a person who oversees or assists in the navigation of a marine vessel; sailor. [1/2 definitions]
maritime of or relating to sea ships or navigation of the sea. [1/2 definitions]
nautical mile a unit of length equal to 1.852 kilometers or 6,076.1 feet, used in sea and air navigation.
navigator a person who practices the art of navigation. [1/2 definitions]
pilothouse a sheltered part of a ship containing the steering device and instruments for navigation; wheelhouse.
quadrant an apparatus formerly used to measure the altitude of celestial objects, esp. for navigation. [1/5 definitions]
quartermaster on a ship, one who is responsible for navigation, signaling, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
sailing the craft of operating and navigating a vessel; navigation. [1/6 definitions]
shoran an electronic system of navigational signals used in airplanes, ships, guided missiles, and the like to determine the precise position of the aircraft or ship (acronym for "short range navigation").
snag a submerged tree, stump, branch, or root that hinders navigation. [1/7 definitions]
sonar a way to find objects underwater by sending and reflecting sound waves. (The word is formed from "sound navigation and ranging.") [1/2 definitions]
Texas tower a tall platform or structure, built offshore, that is used to support radar or navigation equipment.
water hyacinth an aquatic plant of tropical America that bears bluish purple flowers and forms dense floating masses, often impeding navigation.