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about concerning. [1/8 definitions]
ad- near. [1/2 definitions]
adjacent near or next to.
adrenal of or pertaining to glands located near the kidneys that produce the hormone epinephrine. [2/3 definitions]
aft into, near, or toward the rear end of a ship or aircraft. [1/2 definitions]
aftershock a small earthquake that follows a larger one. Aftershocks start at or near the same place where the first earthquake started. There are often several aftershocks after the first earthquake.
air bladder an air-filled sac in various animals and plants, esp. such a structure located near the spine of certain fish that functions to maintain buoyancy by regulating hydrostatic pressure. (See swim bladder.)
alongshore near, at, or along the seashore.
alongside along, near, or by the side of. [1/2 definitions]
Amazon in Greek mythology, a member of a race of tall, strong, and fierce female warriors that lived near the Black Sea. [1/3 definitions]
Antarctic the land or seas at or near the South Pole; Antarctica or the Antarctic Ocean (used with "the").
antarctic of, at, near, or pertaining to the South Pole.
anterior located near or at the front. (Cf. posterior.) [1/2 definitions]
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.
approach to come or go near to.
approximate to be quite similar to or come very near to in quality, quantity, or degree. [1/6 definitions]
Armenia a Near Eastern country between Georgia and Turkey; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. [1/2 definitions]
around near. [1/11 definitions]
at1 in or near a place. [1/3 definitions]
attract to cause people or animals to want to be near.
attraction some quality or thing that draws a person or thing near; that which attracts. [1/4 definitions]