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abide to tolerate (usu. used in negative construction). [1/6 definitions]
accepting not hostile, disapproving, or judging in a negative way; welcoming. [1/2 definitions]
anode the negative terminal of a battery. (Cf. cathode.)
any even a very small amount of (used after a negative). [1/7 definitions]
at all to even the slightest degree or extent; in the least (used in negative statements and questions only).
beta ray a stream of beta particles, esp. those with a negative charge.
blackball a negative vote, esp. against a candidate for admission to a social organization. [1/3 definitions]
bother to feel concern or slight worry (usu. used with negative verb). [1/7 definitions]
care to have a liking (used in negative statements and questions; fol. by "for"). [3/12 definitions]
care for to have a liking for (something) or feel like having (used in negative sentences and questions). [1/3 definitions]
catastrophic extensive with respect to amount of destruction or negative impact. [1/2 definitions]
charge the amount of electricity in an object. Charge causes electrical energy to flow in a current. The movement of electrical energy from one point to another is caused by a difference between the charges at the two points. An electrical charge can be positive or negative. [1/12 definitions]
clean slate a record cleared of any negative information. [1/2 definitions]
complain to express dissatisfaction, pain, grief, or other negative feelings. [2/3 definitions]
contact print a photograph made by pressing a negative against light-sensitive paper and exposing it to light.
covariance in statistics, a measure of how two variables are related, equal to the product of the deviation of each variable from its mean. In positive covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and air conditioner use) are directly related and follow the same trend. In negative covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and heater use) are inversely related and follow opposite trends.
critical expressing a negative judgement. [1/6 definitions]
criticism an unfavorable or negative judgment or evaluation. [1/4 definitions]
cup of tea someone or something that is particularly well liked by or well suited to one (often used in the negative to express dislike).
dare (somewhat old-fashioned) to have the courage or audacity to do something (usu. used in the negative or interrogative) [1/4 definitions]
dipole a polar molecule in which the centers of the positive charges are different from the centers of the negative charges. [1/3 definitions]