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Dictionary Suite
aerie a nest built high on a cliff or mountain, esp. by an eagle or other bird of prey. [1/2 definitions]
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.
birdhouse something constructed by humans as a place for a bird to build its nest. A birdhouse often looks like a small, simple house.
carpenter ant any of various types of large ant that nest in decaying trees and wood buildings and gnaw out tunnels in which to lay their eggs.
crow's-nest a small platform near the top of a ship's mast. A person stands in the crow's-nest to see what is happening on and around the ship.
eyas a hawk or falcon too young to leave the nest, or one taken from its nest to be trained for falconry.
eyrie variant of "aerie," a nest built high on a cliff or mountain, esp. by an eagle or other bird of prey.
gallinaceous belonging to a variety of birds that nest on the ground, including turkeys, chickens, pheasants, and grouse.
meadowlark one of two kinds of North American songbirds that nest in open fields and have a sweet, musical song. A meadowlark has a yellow breast marked with black.
motmot any of a variety of tropical American birds related to the kingfisher that have long tails and blue or green plumage, and that dig out tunnels in which they nest.
nest a number of animals living in a single nest. [3/5 definitions]
nest egg a real or artificial egg left in a nest to induce a hen to lay eggs there. [1/2 definitions]
nestling a young bird still confined to the nest. (Cf. fledgling.)
pack rat a large, bushy-tailed, North American rodent known to gather and hide small objects in its nest. [1/2 definitions]
pigeonhole a small, recessed area in which a pigeon builds its nest. [1/5 definitions]
renest combined form of nest.
spider a small animal with eight legs and a body made up of two parts. Most spiders spin webs in which they nest and catch insects to eat. Spiders are related to mites, ticks, and scorpions.
squab a young pigeon still in the nest, esp. considered as food.
trap-door spider any of several spiders that construct a silk-lined nest covered by a hinged lid resembling a trap door.
verdin a small gray titmouse that has a yellow head, lives in the southwestern United States and Mexico, and builds a spherical nest of thorny twigs.
vespiary a nest or colony of social wasps or hornets.