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Dictionary Suite
Aladdin in The Arabian Nights, a boy who finds a magic lamp and ring, each of which enables him to bring forth a powerful genie who can grant his every wish.
day the period between sunrise and sunset or between two successive nights. [1/5 definitions]
fortnight fourteen nights and days; two weeks.
hoarfrost a white coating of tiny ice crystals that forms on the ground and other surfaces on some cold nights; frozen dew.
miniseries a dramatic television production that is presented in installments, usu. on successive nights.
open sesame in The Arabian Nights, the magic words that open the door of the robbers' den. [1/2 definitions]
Scheherazade in The Arabian Nights, a woman who escapes execution nightly by telling an unresolved tale to the Sultan.
The Thousand and One Nights see "Arabian Nights."