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Dictionary Suite
any one or some of a certain thing, no matter which, how much, or how many. [1/7 definitions]
grasp at a straw to seek anything, no matter how flimsy, that might save one from a predicament.
grasp at straws to seek anything, no matter how flimsy, that might save one from a predicament.
however to whatever degree or extent; no matter how. [1/5 definitions]
trigger-happy inclined to be impetuous and irresponsible no matter how grave the situation, esp. in advocating an action that could result in war. [1/2 definitions]
vacuity a place containing no matter; void; vacuum. [1/4 definitions]
whatever no matter what. [1/7 definitions]
whichever no matter which. [1/2 definitions]
whoever no matter who. [1/3 definitions]