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Dictionary Suite
accompanist one who provides a musical accompaniment, esp. on a piano.
alto of or characterized by the tonal range between tenor and soprano. [1/5 definitions]
antineutrino in physics, the antiparticle of a neutrino.
arabesque a brief piece of highly ornamented music, usu. written for piano. [1/4 definitions]
bagatelle a brief musical piece, esp. for the piano. [1/3 definitions]
ballade a romantic musical composition, often for the piano. [1/2 definitions]
casino the card game of cassino. [1/3 definitions]
domino2 someone dressed in a domino. [1/3 definitions]
ejecta material thrown out, as from a volcano.
eruct to spew forth violently, as lava from a volcano. [1/2 definitions]
Filipino variant of Pilipino. [1/3 definitions]
glissando performed by playing or sounding a rapid succession of consecutive tones of a scale, as by sliding one or more fingers over the keys of a piano. [1/3 definitions]
grand a grand piano. [1/6 definitions]
Hera in Greek mythology, the wife and sister of Zeus and goddess of marriage; Juno.
instrument any of various devices for producing music, such as a trumpet or piano. [1/7 definitions]
keyboard any musical instrument with keys like a piano. [1/4 definitions]
magma the hot, liquefied rock beneath the earth's surface that rises to the top of a volcano. [1/2 definitions]
maraschino cherry a cherry preserved in a sweet red syrup that is flavored with maraschino.
mezzo a mezzo-soprano. [1/3 definitions]
mezzo-soprano a voice range higher than contralto and lower than soprano. [1/2 definitions]
nah (informal) no.