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baron a member of the hereditary nobility. In Great Britain, a baron is a nobleman of the lowest rank; peer. [1/2 definitions]
baronet a member of the hereditary nobility ranking below a baron and above a knight.
common (pl.) the mass of ordinary people, esp. those without titles of nobility. [1/9 definitions]
commoner a person who is not a member of the nobility.
count2 one who holds a rank of European nobility that is equivalent to that of an English earl.
ennoble to cause to become a member of the nobility. [1/2 definitions]
gentlewoman a female attendant to a woman of nobility. [1/3 definitions]
gentry in England, members of the upper middle class just below the nobility. [1/2 definitions]
grand having splendor, magnificence, or nobility. [1/6 definitions]
hero one who demonstrates great courage and nobility, esp. one who is considered a model or ideal. [1/3 definitions]
hidalgo a member of the lower nobility in Spain, below a grandee.
House of Lords the upper, nonelective legislative house of the British parliament, made up of the nobility and high-ranking clergy.
magnifico any person of special rank, importance, nobility, or grandeur. [1/2 definitions]
patrician a member of the nobility of the ancient Roman Republic. [2/5 definitions]
royalty character or bearing that befits a monarch or other sovereign; nobility. [1/4 definitions]
titled having a title of nobility.