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Dictionary Suite
baron a nobleman by birth of a particular rank.
chevalier a low-ranking French nobleman. [1/3 definitions]
comte (French) a nobleman; count.
count2 a European nobleman of a particular rank.
Don Juan in Spanish legend and literature, a nobleman famous for his seduction of women. [1/2 definitions]
duke a nobleman with the highest rank below a prince.
earl a British nobleman. An earl is of a high rank but below both a prince and a duke.
grandee a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of the highest rank. [1/2 definitions]
lord a title for a nobleman. [1/3 definitions]
magnifico formerly, a nobleman of Venice. [1/2 definitions]
marchese an Italian nobleman, ranking with a marquis, and just above a count.
marquess a British nobleman with rank under a duke and above an earl. A marquess is the equivalent of a French marquis.
marquis a nobleman whose rank is above an earl or count and below a duke.
milord a title for an English nobleman or gentleman.
robber baron a feudal nobleman who robbed travelers passing through his domain. [1/2 definitions]
squire formerly, a young nobleman who served as a knight's attendant. [1/6 definitions]
viscount a nobleman that ranks just beneath an earl or count and above a baron.