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alarm a bell or other loud noise used to signal danger. [1/2 definitions]
alarm clock a clock that makes a noise to wake you up.
antinoise combined form of noise.
backfire to give off a loud explosive noise that means the engine of a car or other vehicle is not working properly. [1/3 definitions]
barker1 one that makes a barking noise. [1/2 definitions]
bird (slang) a contemptuous noise made with the mouth; raspberry. [1/5 definitions]
blare a loud, harsh noise. [1/2 definitions]
boom1 to make a deep, hollow noise. [1/4 definitions]
breathe to take breaths so as to make a noise. [1/10 definitions]
brouhaha spirited noise, discussion, or confusion among many people; commotion; hubbub. [1/2 definitions]
bumblebee a large, furry bee, often with black and yellow stripes. Bumblebees make a loud humming or buzzing noise when they fly.
buzz a low noise caused by something moving fast.
cackle the shrill, broken noise that a hen makes, especially after laying an egg. [1/4 definitions]
cicada a large insect with a stout body and two pairs of thin, clear wings. The male cicada makes a loud, shrill noise.
clamor a loud noise that goes on for sometime. [1/3 definitions]
clangor a clamorous noise or din. [1/3 definitions]
clash to strike together with force, making a loud noise. [1/5 definitions]
clatter to make a loud rattling noise. [3/2 definitions]
click to cause to make a clicking noise. [1/7 definitions]
cluck to make the noise of a hen calling chicks. [1/2 definitions]
cosmic noise interference from radio waves beyond the earth; galactic noise.