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Aryan in Nazi doctrine, a Caucasian of non-Jewish, esp. Nordic, descent. [2/4 definitions]
biobased being or pertaining to any non-food substance that is derived from living organisms.
blazer a jacket similar to a suit jacket in design but typically worn with a non-matching pair of slacks or skirt. [1/2 definitions]
body clock (non-technical) the internal mechanisms that regulate bodily functions; Circadian rhythm. [2 definitions]
bromeliad any of several plants of the pineapple family, usu. having stiff leaves and spikes of bright flowers, and sometimes growing non-parasitically on other plants.
charity a non-profit institution, organization, or fund concerned with aiding needy persons or promoting a cause. [1/5 definitions]
cold tablet a non-prescription tablet usually containing an antihistamine and fever-reducing drug, taken to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
diploid in biology, having two of each non-sex-determining chromosome in each cell. [3 definitions]
direct action a form of non-violent political action using immediately available means of communication, disruption, and confrontation, such as picketing, boycotts, demonstrations, and roadblocks.
dribble a slow, non-continuous flow of liquid; drip; trickle. [1/8 definitions]
drop out to stop participating in something; quit (school or other non-job activity).
electrolyte a conducting solution in which the movement of non-metallic ions accompanies a flow of electric current. [1/2 definitions]
extra one who is specially hired for a non-speaking part in a large group scene in a film. [1/8 definitions]
failing in the absence of, in the non-occurrence of. [1/3 definitions]
felt2 a non-woven fabric made of matted, compressed animal fibers, another matted fabric resembling it, or an article made of it. [1/6 definitions]
gel a non-separating chemical mixture that resembles jelly. (See colloid.) [1/3 definitions]
goy (often derogatory) a non-Jewish person.
Habitat for Humanity a non-profit worldwide housing organization founded in 1976 that recruits volunteers to build houses purchased through interest-free loans by the needy.
haploid in biology, having a single set of non-sex-determining chromosomes. (See diploid.) [2 definitions]
Hellenistic pertaining to non-Greeks of the ancient period who adopted Greek customs, language, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
invasive species a non-native species of plant or animal that spreads aggressively in new areas and forces out native plants and animals.