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chevron an insignia or badge of rank having stripes arranged in a V or inverted V and worn by policemen, noncommissioned officers, and the like.
corporal2 a noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranked below sergeant and above private first class.
Cpl. abbreviation of "Corporal," a noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranked below sergeant and above private first class (used in a proper name).
first sergeant the senior noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines who is responsible for personnel and administration of a company, squadron, or other unit.
gunnery sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps, a noncommissioned officer ranking below a master or first sergeant and above a staff sergeant.
master sergeant in the U.S. military, a noncommissioned officer of high rank, second only to the rank of sergeant major.
NCO abbreviation of "noncommissioned officer," an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.
platoon sergeant in the U.S. Army, the senior noncommissioned officer in a platoon.
sergeant in the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force, any of several ranks of noncommissioned officers above the rank of corporal or airman first class. [1/4 definitions]
sergeant first class in the U.S. Army, a noncommissioned officer who ranks above a staff sergeant and below a master sergeant.
sergeant major in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, a noncommissioned officer of the highest rank. [2/3 definitions]
staff sergeant in the U.S. military, a noncommissioned officer ranking above sergeant and, in the Army, below sergeant first class, in the Air Force, below technical sergeant, and in the Marine Corps, below gunnery sergeant.
warrant officer an officer in the U.S. armed forces that ranks above noncommissioned officers and below commissioned officers and holds office on a warrant instead of a commission.