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aberrant straying from what is normal or usual; atypical; anomalous. [1/2 definitions]
aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity. [2/3 definitions]
abnormal not normal or usual.
absurdity the condition or quality of being absurd, of being completely contrary to logic or the normal order of things. [2 definitions]
accepted generally considered correct or normal. [1/2 definitions]
accustomed normal; usual. [1/2 definitions]
activity normal mental or physical functioning. [1/4 definitions]
albino a human or animal that is born without normal coloring. Albinos have very pale skin and hair and pink eyes. Plants can also be albinos.
anastrophe reversal of the normal sentence structure or word order, as in the sentence "To the battlefield rode the commanders."
anuresis partial or total failure of the kidneys to produce and secrete urine, or blockage which inhibits normal urine excretion.
apoptosis genetically regulated cell death that occurs as a normal part of growth and development, and which also occurs when a cell becomes damaged.
Asperger's syndrome a mild autism spectrum disorder in which afflicted individuals are generally of normal intelligence but have poor social and nonverbal communication skills.
atresia the normal breakdown of mature ovarian follicles that occurs after ovulation. [1/2 definitions]
autoimmune characterized by or relating to a condition in which normal cells are attacked by the body's own immune system.
basal the lowest normal level of. [1/3 definitions]
bell-shaped curve a graphic representation of a statistically normal frequency distribution, which resembles the outline of a bell; bell curve.
bentonite either of two clays that are formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash, and that are very absorptive and capable of expanding to several times their normal volume.
blah (informal) lacking in normal spirit or energy. [1/4 definitions]
bounce back to return to a normal condition quickly or completely.
breathy marked by intentional or unintentional expiration of air that softens or otherwise alters the normal timbre of a wind instrument. [1/2 definitions]
callback a request to a worker to return to work, esp. after a layoff or after normal working hours. [1/3 definitions]