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crenellation a crenel, notch, or indentation. [1/2 definitions]
hilum a small opening or notch through which nerves or vessels pass into or out of an organ. [1/2 definitions]
indent1 to form a recess or notch. [2/7 definitions]
indenture a recess or notch; indentation. [1/5 definitions]
kerf a groove, notch, or cut made in wood by a saw or other cutting tool, or the width of such a cut. [2 definitions]
latch a device that fastens or locks with a bar or bolt that goes into a notch or hole. Latches fasten doors, windows, and gates. [1/2 definitions]
nick a shallow cut, notch, or chip in a surface. [2/6 definitions]
nock the notch at each end of a bow that holds the bowstring. [3/4 definitions]
notch to cut a notch in something. [2/3 definitions]
score a scratch or notch, as in a piece of wood, or such a mark used for counting. [2/21 definitions]
serrate to notch or groove the edge of. [1/2 definitions]
slot a long, narrow notch or opening into which something may be put.
undercut a notch cut in the lower part of a tree to direct its fall and prevent splitting. [1/6 definitions]