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a1 the sixth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
accidental in music, a symbol that indicates that a note should be played or sung one or two semitones higher or lower than is otherwise indicated. In most cases, the pitch is to be raised or lowered by one half step, as from F natural to F sharp. [2/5 definitions]
annotation an explanatory or critical note added to a text; commentary. [2 definitions]
appoggiatura in music, a dissonant note in a strong metrical position that resolves to a consonant note in a weaker metrical position. [2 definitions]
arpeggio the playing of each note in a musical chord rapidly, one after the other rather than simultaneously. [1/2 definitions]
b the seventh note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
bank note a promissory note issued by an authorized bank.
bread-and-butter of a letter or note, expressing thanks for another's hospitality. [1/2 definitions]
breve in music, a note equal in length to two whole notes. [1/2 definitions]
c1 the first note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
cf. abbreviation of "confer" (Latin); compare, to note the likenesses and differences of (pronounced as individual letters or as word "compare").
chant a song that is sung on the same note or the same few notes throughout. [1/4 definitions]
chromatic having to do with a musical scale, where the difference between each note is one half step. [1/2 definitions]
clef one of the signs placed on a musical staff. They show the pitch at which the note should be played.
clinker2 (slang) any error, esp. a misplayed note in a musical performance. [1/2 definitions]
comment an explanatory or critical note added to a written text. [2/8 definitions]
compare to say or note how something is similar to or different from something else. [1/2 definitions]
cuckoo any of several slender grayish to brownish birds of Europe and America, some of which have a distinctive two-note call. [1/5 definitions]
d the second note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
demisemiquaver in music, a thirty-second note.
dot a point after a musical note or rest, specifying that the time value should be increased by one half, or a point under or over a note to direct one to play staccato. [1/10 definitions]