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abstraction an impractical, unrealistic notion. [1/4 definitions]
belief a notion or idea accepted as true, esp. a religious doctrine. [1/3 definitions]
burden2 an idea or notion that is often repeated. [1/2 definitions]
conceit an imaginative idea or fanciful notion. [1/3 definitions]
concept a personal or generally-held way of conceiving something; idea; notion. [1/2 definitions]
fallacy a false or misleading idea or notion, especially one that is commonly held. [1/3 definitions]
falsehood something that is false or inaccurate, such as a false idea or notion. [1/4 definitions]
fantasy a notion based on imagination or desire rather than fact. [1/5 definitions]
folk etymology a change made in a word or phrase according to a false notion as to its origin or derivation.
free enterprise the notion that a capitalist economy does not require government support or intervention, but can regulate itself through the relationships of supply and demand in a freely competitive market.
idea an impulsive plan; notion; fancy. [1/6 definitions]
kink an odd idea or notion. [1/5 definitions]
misconception an error in understanding or conceiving; wrong notion or idea.
racist believing, implying, or claiming that one race of human beings is superior to another or others. [3 definitions]
surmise an opinion or notion that is based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture. [1/3 definitions]
there used to express the notion of existence or occurrence. [1/10 definitions]
thought1 the product of mental processes, esp. a single notion. [1/6 definitions]
whim a sudden odd or capricious desire, impulse, notion, or change of mind; whimsy; caprice.
whimsy an odd, fanciful, or capricious notion, or such notions collectively. [1/2 definitions]