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-ade2 used in nouns referring to certain numerical groupings.
bar graph a graph in which numerical values of data are represented by bars of equal widths but varying lengths, also known as a bar chart.
code the arrangement of statements in a computer program, in which letters and numerical figures are represented as binary numbers. [1/6 definitions]
crunch numbers in computer work, to perform a large number of calculations or manipulations of numerical data, or to process a large amount of data.
digital storing, using, or sending information electronically in the form of numbers. [3/2 definitions]
figure a numerical value or amount. [2/16 definitions]
index the numerical system by which consumer prices at different times or in different regions can be compared. [1/10 definitions]
nonnumerical combined form of numerical.
number-cruncher (informal) a person, machine, program or the like that performs a great many complicated numerical calculations.
pass-fail a system of grading in which letter and numerical grades are not used, and students either pass or fail.
place value the numerical value of a digit based on its position in a number.
qwerty keyboard a keyboard with alphabetical and numerical keys in the same arrangement as those on a typewriter.
rotation a pool game in which the balls are played in numerical succession. [1/5 definitions]
speed in photography, a numerical value for the sensitivity of film to light. [1/11 definitions]
spreadsheet a piece of paper or a computer application for recording numerical or other data using rows and columns. [1/2 definitions]
statistic a piece of numerical information. [1/2 definitions]
statistical of, concerning, or using statistics or the types of mathematical analyses that provide numerical information of a type that allows testing of a hypothesis.
statistics (used with a sing. verb) the mathematical study of numerical information, esp. representative information about a limited portion of a population that is used to make generalized conclusions about the whole. [2 definitions]
time signature a musical symbol, usu. a numerical fraction located next to the key signature, used to indicate the meter of a composition.