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acorn the fruit of the oak tree, having a smooth, ovoid nut partially enclosed by a rough, cuplike base.
almond the hard oval seed of this tree that is like a nut and eaten as food. [1/3 definitions]
areca the nut of such a palm. [1/2 definitions]
beechnut the small, edible nut of the beech tree.
betel the dried leaf of this plant, chewed with the betel nut as a stimulant or narcotic. [1/2 definitions]
betel nut the nut of the betel palm, chewed together with betel pepper leaves and lime in southeastern Asia as a mild stimulant and narcotic.
betel palm a tall palm tree of the Asian tropics that has feathery leaves and produces orange or red fruit and the betel nut.
black walnut the edible nut of this tree. [1/3 definitions]
bolt1 a metal screw with a flat end. A bolt screws into a matching nut. [1/3 definitions]
Brazil nut a large, oily triangular nut, the seed of a large tropical South American tree, or the tree itself.
buckeye the nut of this tree. [1/2 definitions]
butternut the nut of this tree that can be eaten as food. [1/2 definitions]
cashew a curved nut of this tree, which is eaten after roasting. [1/2 definitions]
chestnut a nut that grows inside a prickly shell. It has a sweet taste. [2/4 definitions]
chinquapin the nut of either of these trees. [1/3 definitions]
comfit a candy with a nut or fruit center.
conker (chiefly British; informal) a brown, inedible nut encased in a spiky husk produced by a horse chestnut tree. [2 definitions]
English walnut a variety of walnut tree or the edible nut it bears, that is widely used in cooking.
filbert the round, smooth-shelled nut of certain cultivated European hazel trees; hazelnut. [2 definitions]
gallnut a gall that resembles a nut, esp. as found on an oak tree; nutgall.
grove a small stand of fruit or nut trees; orchard. [1/2 definitions]