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Dictionary Suite
clear free of confusion or obscurity. [2/22 definitions]
clear up to make (something) free of confusion, doubt, or obscurity. [1/5 definitions]
dark marked by gloom, obscurity, or evil. [1/7 definitions]
decipher to interpret or comprehend (a piece of language) despite difficulties such as obscurity of style or bad handwriting. [1/2 definitions]
disinter to bring out of obscurity; unearth. [1/2 definitions]
eclipse a decline into obscurity, disfavor, or low status. [1/6 definitions]
elliptical tending toward or characterized by an economy of expression that creates ambiguity or obscurity, often purposefully. [1/4 definitions]
exhume to revive or restore to prominence, esp. after a period of obscurity. [1/2 definitions]
murk darkness or obscurity. [1/2 definitions]
nowhere obscurity or failure. [1/5 definitions]
opacity obscurity of meaning; impenetrability. [1/4 definitions]