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abscond to leave suddenly and secretly, esp. to avoid observation or capture.
aphorism a terse, sometimes witty statement of a general truth or observation; adage.
a posteriori based on experience or observation, rather than on theory or hypothesis. [1/2 definitions]
apparent seeming to be so at first observation, but not necessarily so; ostensible. [1/3 definitions]
auspice the practice of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens, esp. those derived from the observation of birds. [1/3 definitions]
bathyscaph a small, self-contained deep-sea research submarine with a spherical observation chamber mounted under the hull.
by to and past a point of observation or reference. [1/16 definitions]
caboose a car at the rear of a freight train, used by the train's crew as a place for eating, sleeping, and observation of the tracks.
clinical of or related to direct observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theory or laboratory research. [1/3 definitions]
clinician a doctor who studies or practices medicine by direct observation and treatment, as opposed to theory or laboratory research.
coign of vantage an especially good position for observation or action.
comment a written or spoken statement of observation or opinion. [3/8 definitions]
conning tower a low enclosed observation tower on a submarine, used as the entrance and exit. [1/2 definitions]
crow's-nest a small, sometimes partially enclosed observation platform located near the top of a ship's mast. [1/2 definitions]
descry to find or detect by means of close study or observation. [1/2 definitions]
determination the conclusion that is reached following investigation and observation. [1/5 definitions]
determine to conclude or ascertain following investigation and observation. [1/6 definitions]
discover to learn or gain knowledge of through study or observation. [1/3 definitions]
eclipse at a particular observation point, the blocking of light from one celestial body by another, such as the eclipse of the sun by the interposition of the moon, or the eclipse of the moon by the earth's coming between the sun and moon. [1/6 definitions]
empiricism the practice of science based on experimentation and observation rather than on theory. [1/3 definitions]
experience the knowledge or wisdom that one gets from practice, activity, or observation. [1/5 definitions]