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admire to observe with pleasure, wonder, and approval. [1/2 definitions]
behold to see or observe. [2 definitions]
capuchin (cap.) a Roman Catholic monk belonging to a branch of the Franciscan order whose members observe strict vows of poverty and austerity. [1/3 definitions]
celebrate to observe or commemorate (an occasion or event), as with gifts, festivities, or special rituals. [2/4 definitions]
chemistry lab in a school, a place where students studying chemistry can observe chemical reactions and carry out small experiments.
differentiate to observe or mark differences. [1/6 definitions]
eye skill in being able to observe. [1/5 definitions]
keep tabs on (informal) to keep under close watch; observe carefully.
lookout a high place from which someone can observe a wide area. [1/3 definitions]
monitor to observe something in order to get information. [1/3 definitions]
note to mention or observe. [1/4 definitions]
notice see or observe. [1/3 definitions]
obey to observe or carry out as instructed. [1/3 definitions]
observation car a railway car with large windows from which passengers may observe the scenery.
open house a time during which a school, company, or institution is open for the public to inspect facilities, observe operations, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
practice to do or observe habitually or customarily. [1/11 definitions]
reobserve combined form of observe.
scout to observe an opposing team before it plays one's own team. [2/8 definitions]
see1 to perceive or observe with one's eyes. [2/16 definitions]
seventh-day (often cap.) denoting certain Christian denominations that observe the Sabbath on Saturday.
sight to observe or suddenly see. [1/7 definitions]