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ad hoc for this particular case, occasion, or purpose only; with respect only to this. [1/2 definitions]
amenity something that makes a place or an occasion more convenient, pleasant, or comfortable
at first in the beginning or on the first occasion.
banquet such a dinner given in honor of a person, group, or special occasion. [1/4 definitions]
box supper a social and fund-raising occasion at which the participants bid for donated box lunches.
Calvary (sometimes l.c.) a place or occasion of severe trial, or an intensely painful, anguishing experience. [1/2 definitions]
carnival an occasion or period of festive revelry, esp. the time just before Lent. [1/2 definitions]
carouse an occasion of drunken revelry. [1/2 definitions]
celebrate to make special or honor with gifts, parties, or activities. [2/3 definitions]
ceremony a set of actions that someone performs to mark a special occasion.
childbirth the act or occasion of giving birth to a child; parturition.
Christmas this day as a legal holiday and an occasion for greetings and gift-giving. [1/3 definitions]
commencement the act or occasion of beginning. [1/2 definitions]
condemnation a cause or occasion for condemning. [1/4 definitions]
cookout a social occasion at which a meal is cooked and eaten outdoors.
costume a set of clothes suited to a particular season, occasion, or activity. [1/4 definitions]
departure the act or an occasion of leaving or going away. [1/2 definitions]
dine to eat a meal, especially the evening meal or an elegant one as part of a social occasion. [1/3 definitions]
dinner a formal meal in honor of a person or occasion. [1/2 definitions]
doomsday any day dreaded as the occasion of judgment or reckoning. [1/2 definitions]
dress code a set of rules defining acceptable clothing and appearance for a particular place, occasion, or group.