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disgust to offend the sense of morality or propriety of (someone). [1/3 definitions]
displease to upset or disappoint; annoy; offend.
enfant terrible (French) an unconventional, outrageous, irritating person whose behavior or ideas shock and offend. [1/2 definitions]
insult to offend by speaking to or treating rudely or contemptuously. [1/4 definitions]
miff to cause (someone) to become annoyed; offend. [1/3 definitions]
step on someone's toes to offend by acting aggressive or by encroaching on another's domain.
tread on someone's toes to annoy or offend someone.
trespass to offend or sin against a moral or religious law or obligation; transgress. [1/5 definitions]
trim to be cautiously neutral or adjust one's opinions so as not to offend anyone. [1/13 definitions]