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advance to offer or suggest. [1/8 definitions]
advise to offer advice. [1/5 definitions]
attest to offer evidence or give proof (often followed by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
auction a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer the most money. [1/2 definitions]
auctioneer to sell or offer for sale at an auction. [1/2 definitions]
barrister (chiefly British) a lawyer who is qualified to offer legal advice and to represent clients in both the lower and higher courts in the UK.
bid to offer. [1/4 definitions]
brainstorm to engage in a method of problem-solving or idea-gathering in which members of a group freely and spontaneously offer their thoughts and suggestions. [1/6 definitions]
bribe to give or offer a bribe to. [1/2 definitions]
cast pearls before swine to offer or provide something of value to persons who cannot understand or appreciate it.
come forward to present oneself to the police or other authority and offer evidence, or to offer oneself as a volunteer for a task.
come-on a flirtatious approach or offer. [1/2 definitions]
dangle to offer or seem to offer (something desirable) so as to tempt or motivate. [1/3 definitions]
day care care during the day in a home or day-care center for children too young for school or older children after school or during vacation. Day care may also offer care for elderly or disabled people.
deign to condescend to offer or accept. [1/2 definitions]
drink to offer good wishes or give honor; toast (fol. by "to"). [1/12 definitions]
empty-handed having nothing to offer. [1/2 definitions]
extend to give or offer. [1/3 definitions]
float to offer for sale (an issue of stocks or bonds). [1/14 definitions]
gimmick a novel feature or offer with little purpose other than to attract people to a product. [1/3 definitions]
go1 (informal) to wager or offer. [1/28 definitions]