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adopt to become by law a parent of (a child who is not one's own offspring), or to accept responsibility for an animal as a pet. [1/3 definitions]
bastardy the state or condition of being an illegitimate offspring. [2 definitions]
bear1 to bring offspring or fruit into being. [1/9 definitions]
bearing the process or result of producing offspring, as when a tree bears fruit. [1/5 definitions]
beefalo the hybrid offspring of beef cattle and the American buffalo.
beget to generate (offspring); cause to begin life, esp. to father. [1/2 definitions]
breed to give birth to or produce offspring. [1/4 definitions]
breeding the act or process of producing offspring. [1/2 definitions]
byname a surname or descriptive phrase following a name that identifies an individual but is not handed down to offspring. [1/2 definitions]
chromosome a part found in the cells of all plants and animals. Chromosomes contain genes which pass on physical characteristics from parent to offspring.
cross a combination of two things resulting in a product or offspring having characteristics of both; hybrid. [1/16 definitions]
cub the young offspring of some carnivorous mammals, such as the bear, lion, and wolf.
daughter a person's female offspring, either natural or adopted. [2 definitions]
demigod a mythological being who is part divine and part human, such as the offspring of a god and a human. [1/3 definitions]
descendant one regarded as the biological offspring of a given ancestor or ancestors. [1/3 definitions]
DNA a substance found in cells that contains information about the characteristics of a living thing. DNA plays a part in the passing on of characteristics from parent to offspring. "DNA" is an abbreviation of "deoxyribonucleic acid."
engender to produce (offspring). [1/2 definitions]
eugenic causing the production, over generations, of improved offspring. [1/2 definitions]
fecund capable of producing abundant fruit or offspring; fruitful; fertile. [1/2 definitions]
female belonging to the sex that produces and nurtures offspring. [1/4 definitions]
fertile producing or able to produce young, seeds, fruit, eggs, or other offspring. [1/3 definitions]