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Dictionary Suite
aioli a rich sauce, similar to mayonnaise, made of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil, served with vegetables, fish, and seafood.
ash2 a tree that is related to the olive tree. It has seeds that look like wings and leaves of more than one part. [1/2 definitions]
bruschetta a slice of toasted or grilled bread brushed with olive oil and garlic, typically topped with such items as diced tomatoes and fresh basil.
cacciatore cooked in a covered pot with olive oil, tomato paste, onions, wine, herbs, and other ingredients.
Caesar salad a green salad topped with grated cheese, croutons, and anchovies and a dressing of olive oil, egg, lemon juice, and garlic.
Castile soap a fine white hard unscented soap made of olive oil and sodium hydroxide.
fixed oil a nonvolatile oil obtained from animal or vegetable sources, such as lard or olive oil.
fringe tree a small tree of the olive family, found in the southern United States, that bears drooping clusters of white flowers.
grivet a small, long-tailed monkey of North Africa that has olive-gray fur and a dark face and paws, and that lives on the ground.
loden a thick, fulled, waterproof woolen fabric, usu. olive green and used for coats.
Mediterranean a person with physical features, such as short stature and olive skin, that are characteristic of peoples living near the Mediterranean Sea. [1/5 definitions]
olein the liquid triglyceride of oleic acid, occurring in most fats and oils and as the major component of olive oil. [1/2 definitions]
olive a small green or black fruit with a pit. Olives are eaten raw or used to make olive oil. [2/4 definitions]
olive branch the branch of an olive tree as a token of peace, or any peace offering.
olive drab a dull olive or greenish brown color. [1/3 definitions]
olive green a yellowish green color; color of an unripe olive.
olive oil oil pressed from ripe olives. Olive oil is used for cooking.
pesto a sauce of ground fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic, and grated Parmesan cheese mixed with olive oil and served over pasta.
water moccasin a venomous snake found in swamps or wet areas of the southern United States. The water moccasin is brown or olive in color and shows the white inside of its mouth when threatened.
yellowthroat a small American warbler with a yellow throat, a white belly, an olive-brown back, and on the male, a black mask.