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blood feud an ongoing, bitter conflict or fight between families.
imperfect in grammar, of or denoting a tense that indicates an uncompleted or ongoing action or state; progressive. [1/5 definitions]
mistress a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship, esp. with a man who gives her financial support. [1/4 definitions]
murmur a sound that is soft, muffled, and ongoing, like the sound made by quiet conversation. [1/2 definitions]
parenting the ongoing process or skill of a parent in raising a child or children.
present participle a participle that either indicates ongoing action or state, as "living" in "He was living" or serves as an adjective, as "living" in "a living thing".
real time the actual time required for a computer to complete a computation, the result being necessary to control a currently ongoing process, such as the simultaneous booking of airline tickets. [1/2 definitions]
recess a limited break in ongoing activity, such as courtroom proceedings or school classes. [2/5 definitions]
suspension a temporary pause in an ongoing activity or condition. [1/5 definitions]
wade in to suddenly get involved or inject one's opinion into an ongoing discussion, debate, or conflict. [1/3 definitions]