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air hole an opening for the intake or discharge of air or gas. [1/3 definitions]
anus in anatomy, the opening at the lower or rear end of the intestines, through which solid waste matter is excreted.
aperture a narrow opening. [2 definitions]
armhole an opening in a garment meant for the arm to pass through, as into a sleeve.
Ave Maria (Latin) Hail Mary; the opening words of a prayer to the Virgin Mary. [1/2 definitions]
balkline a line parallel and close to one end of a billiard table, from behind which the opening shot is made.
bell the opening of a brass or wind instrument where the sound comes out. [1/2 definitions]
blaze2 to lead in making or opening, as a new pathway in knowledge. [1/4 definitions]
bloodletting the act or practice of purging by opening a vein; phlebotomy. [1/2 definitions]
bolt1 a metal bar that slides into an opening in a door. It keeps the door closed. [1/3 definitions]
bore1 to create (an opening such as a tunnel) by cutting through. [3/7 definitions]
boring1 the act or process of making a hole or other opening with a drill or similar tool. [2/3 definitions]
breach an opening or gap made by breaking through something. [2/4 definitions]
can opener a device used for opening cans. Some can openers can be operated by hand while others are small electrical appliances.
cap1 anything shaped like a cap that is used to cover an opening, such as a top for a bottle or tube. [1/5 definitions]
cardia the opening from the esophagus into the stomach.
cardiac of or pertaining to the opening of the esophagus into the stomach. [1/3 definitions]
cave a natural hollow or series of hollows in the earth, esp. one with an opening in a hillside or cliff. [1/4 definitions]
cecum a cavity opening at only one end, esp. the pouch at the head of the large intestine.
cleft an opening made by or as if by a split. [1/2 definitions]
clepsydra an ancient device that measured the passage of time by means of a regulated flow of water through an opening; water clock.