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antiseptic exceedingly clean and orderly. [1/4 definitions]
apple-pie order (informal) an impeccably neat and orderly arrangement or state.
cosmos the totality of material existence, esp. considered as a unified, orderly whole; universe. [2/4 definitions]
discursive ranging over numerous topics, esp. in an orderly or coherent way. [1/2 definitions]
disorderly not orderly or neat. [1/2 definitions]
file1 an orderly line of things or persons, esp. soldiers. (Cf. rank1). [1/7 definitions]
harmony a pleasing or orderly relation among the parts of something. [1/4 definitions]
marshal to arrange in an orderly fashion or display. [1/8 definitions]
method systematic and orderly arrangement of actions. [1/3 definitions]
methodical done, arranged, or acting in an orderly and systematic way. [2 definitions]
methodize to reduce to a systematic and orderly way or arrangement. [1/2 definitions]
neat orderly in appearance, state, or habits; tidy. [2/6 definitions]
organize to set in order; arrange in an orderly way. [1/3 definitions]
pitched battle a battle in a predetermined location between orderly arrays of troops. [1/2 definitions]
police to control, secure, or cause to be lawful or orderly. [2/5 definitions]
proceed to go forward in an orderly manner. [1/6 definitions]
procession the act of moving forward in a formal, orderly way. [1/2 definitions]
pullback the act of withdrawing or pulling back, esp. the prearranged, orderly withdrawal of military forces. [1/2 definitions]
pullout the act or process of withdrawing or pulling out, esp. the orderly, planned withdrawal of military troops. [1/3 definitions]
reason to think in a logical and orderly manner. [1/9 definitions]
regular adhering to rank, form, or protocol; orderly. [1/12 definitions]