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anticlimax a disappointingly weak or ordinary conclusion or event, following events or statements that build expectations for something powerful or moving. [1/3 definitions]
average a usual amount or kind; something that is ordinary. [2/3 definitions]
banal lacking originality or liveliness; disappointingly ordinary; commonplace; trite.
breathy of a voice, softened or otherwise altered in timbre by more than ordinary expiration of breath. [1/2 definitions]
common (pl.) the mass of ordinary people, esp. those without titles of nobility. [1/9 definitions]
commonplace ordinary; not special. [2 definitions]
common sense ordinary good judgment that is part of a person's intelligence or that is learned through experience.
common stock ordinary capital shares of a corporation that often provide dividends and confer voting privileges, but that place their owners' claims, in the event the corporation liquidates, below those of holders of preferred stocks or bonds.
contrabassoon a bassoon that is larger than the ordinary bassoon and an octave lower in pitch; double bassoon.
conventional commonplace; ordinary; unimaginative. [1/3 definitions]
decipher to change from a code into ordinary language. [1/2 definitions]
decode to change from code into ordinary language.
different not ordinary; unusual. [1/4 definitions]
dim to switch (automotive vehicle headlights) from high intensity or position to ordinary intensity. [1/9 definitions]
dissociation in a human being, the abnormal separation of a group of mental activities from ordinary consciousness, as in one afflicted with amnesia or multiple personalities. [1/2 definitions]
dramatic out of the ordinary; exciting. [1/2 definitions]
eccentric not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; odd; peculiar. [1/2 definitions]
everyday ordinary or common.
Everyman (usu. l.c.) the common or ordinary person, esp. when typifying the entire human race. [1/2 definitions]
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary. [1/2 definitions]
exclude to prevent from enjoying ordinary rights or privileges; bar. [1/2 definitions]