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assay an analysis or examination, esp. of an ore, metal, or drug, to determine its composition, quality, or potency. [1/8 definitions]
azurite a bright azure-blue mineral that serves as a copper ore. [1/2 definitions]
barytes the principal ore of barium; barite.
bauxite the primary ore of aluminum, containing various impurities.
blast furnace a large, vertical furnace in which metal, esp. iron, is smelted from ore by means of heat intensified by a blast of air forced in at the bottom.
bonanza a rich vein of valuable ore in a mine. [1/2 definitions]
cassiterite a mineral ore, tin dioxide, that is the principal source of tin.
chalcopyrite a common but important copper ore, characterized by its brassy yellow color.
cinnabar a reddish mineral that is the main ore of mercury and is sometimes used as a pigment; mercuric sulfide. [1/2 definitions]
dress to prepare (stone, ore, timber, skins, or the like) by a special process. [1/11 definitions]
extract to separate or draw out (juice from a fruit, metal from an ore, or the like) by pressure, distillation, or chemical action. [1/9 definitions]
ferric oxide a red-brown solid compound in the natural form of iron ore or rust, processed for use as a pigment and in metallurgy, magnetic tapes and polishing compounds.
flotation any of several processes of separating and collecting various minerals from powdered ore, based on the minerals' ability to float in various liquids. [1/3 definitions]
gad2 a pointed tool or spike used in mining ore or rock. [2/3 definitions]
galena a grayish mineral consisting mainly of lead sulfide and constituting the chief ore of lead.
gang2 the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gangue.
gangue the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gang.
gold mine a place where gold ore is mined. [1/2 definitions]
hematite a steel-gray or darkish red mineral that is the main form of iron ore, iron oxide.
high-grade of an ore, containing a high percentage of the desired metal. [1/2 definitions]
krona1 the chief monetary unit of Sweden, equaling one hundred öre.