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afferent bearing or leading toward a central organ or part, as nerves that conduct impulses to the spinal column or as veins that carry blood to the heart.
analogue in biology, an organ or structure similar to another of different evolutionary origin. [1/2 definitions]
anastomosis the surgical connection of two hollow organs or organ parts, such as the ends of a severed intestine, to make one organ. [1/2 definitions]
antheridium the organ in flowerless and seedless plants that produces male sex cells.
aplasia incomplete or faulty development of an organ or tissue.
aplastic pertaining to the incomplete or faulty development of an organ or tissue.
archegonium the female reproductive organ in ferns, mosses, and some similar plants.
azathioprine an immunosuppressive that is administered in transplant surgery to prevent rejection of the new organ.
barbel a slender, whiskerlike sensory organ on the heads of certain fishes, such as catfish. [1/2 definitions]
barrel organ a portable musical instrument consisting of a cylinder fitted with pegs or pins that either open valves to a series of pipes or strike metal tongues when the cylinder is rotated; hand organ.
beak an organ or structure, similar to a beak, on other creatures such as certain turtles or insects. [1/3 definitions]
bladder an organ inside the body that collects urine. The bladder gets larger when it fills and smaller when it becomes empty.
blastema an undifferentiated or primitive mass of cells, as in an embryo or regenerating organ, that is capable of becoming organized into a specific tissue or organ.
brain the organ in the body that controls thought, movement, and feeling. The brain is inside the skull.
bypass in medicine, the operation by which an alternative route of flow is created in order to avoid a blocked or diseased organ or part of such an organ. [1/5 definitions]
calculus an abnormal stonelike accumulation of mineral salts in an organ of the body, such as a kidney stone. [1/2 definitions]
capsule any of several kinds of cases or envelopes covering or enclosing parts of living things, such as the seed case of certain fruits, or the membranous cover of a joint or organ. [1/7 definitions]
carpel the female organ of a flower, consisting of a modified leaf that forms a single pistil or one member of a compound pistil, in which the seeds mature.
chemoreception the response of a sense organ or nerve ending to a chemical stimulus.
chemoreceptor a nerve ending or sensory organ, as of taste or smell, that responds to chemical stimulation.
circumcise to remove the foreskin from the sex organ of (a male) or the clitoris or labia from the sex organ of (a female).