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abolish to take out of existence. [1/2 definitions]
acacia a tree that grows in tropical areas of the world, especially in parts of Africa and Australia. The branches of an acacia spread out very wide and evenly across the top. Sometimes the top of the tree looks almost flat.
accomplish to do or complete; carry out; achieve. [1/2 definitions]
account ground or reason for carrying out some action; basis. [1/16 definitions]
ace in tennis, a winning serve that is out of the opponent's reach. [2/7 definitions]
achieve to do or carry out successfully; accomplish. [1/2 definitions]
activated carbon a form of very porous and thus very absorbent carbon, produced by heating charcoal so as to empty out contained gases, and used to absorb other gases, recover solvents, deodorize, and the like; activated charcoal.
admeasure to measure out or distribute shares of; apportion.
advertising the act, job, or business of designing and putting out notices to the public, usually in order to sell a product or service. [2 definitions]
aerosol a liquid that is in a container under pressure and comes out in a fine spray. [1/2 definitions]
air conditioner a machine that cools the air in a room or car. An air conditioner also takes the dust and dampness out of the air.
air conditioning a system that cools air and takes dust and dampness out of it. Air conditioning is used inside buildings and cars.
airtight keeping air in or out. [1/2 definitions]
allocate to give out according to a plan; distribute by lot. [1/2 definitions]
allot to give out as portions. [1/2 definitions]
all-points sent out in all directions or to all receivers wherever they happen to be.
ambassador a high-ranking official sent by one nation to another either to carry out a specific diplomatic mission or to serve in residence there. [1/3 definitions]
amiss out of place or not right; wrong. [1/2 definitions]
amok in a murderous frenzy; violently out of control. [1/2 definitions]
anachronism something that is or appears to be out of its appropriate time period. [1/2 definitions]
angle1 the geometric figure made by two lines extending out from a single point. [1/10 definitions]