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center field in baseball, the center area of the outfield, which extends behind second base.
fair ball a batted baseball that stays within the foul lines if airborne or, if it hits the ground before the outfield, that stays within the foul lines until it has gone beyond first or third base.
foul line either of the lines on a baseball field drawn from home plate through first and third bases to the outfield. Foul lines mark the area within which fair play takes place. [1/2 definitions]
left field in baseball, the section of the outfield that is to the left of center field when viewed from home plate. [2 definitions]
outfielder a baseball player whose position is in the outfield.
shag2 in baseball, to catch or retrieve and throw back (balls hit to the outfield during batting practice). [1/2 definitions]
Texas leaguer in baseball, a fly ball that strikes the ground between the infield and the outfield and is designated a fair hit.