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abandon to allow (oneself) to be taken over completely by emotions or impulses. [1/6 definitions]
absolute power complete control over someone or something, esp. of a government or ruler over his citizens.
accrue to grow or accumulate over time, esp. as something of benefit.
accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something over time.
ace to outdo or gain an advantage over (often fol. by "out"). [1/7 definitions]
acquire to come to possess, esp. gradually over time. [1/2 definitions]
across so as to pass over at an angle, as one line crossing over another. [1/5 definitions]
acute of a mark over vowels, indicating a certain stress or pronunciation. (See acute accent.) [1/7 definitions]
acute accent a diacritical mark (´), placed over a vowel to indicate length or high pitch, or to indicate primary stress of a syllable. (Cf. grave accent.)
adaptation a particular change in the body of a living thing that helps the animal or plant to survive under new conditions. An adaptation happens over a very long time. [2/4 definitions]
admiralty the department or office having jurisdiction over naval affairs. [1/3 definitions]
aeolian harp a musical instrument consisting of an open box with gut strings stretched across it that produce rising and falling sounds when wind passes over them.
after-school occurring after school hours, esp. from the time school is over until the end of the work day.
aftertaste the feeling that lingers after an experience, esp. an unpleasant one, is over. [1/2 definitions]
again one more time; over again. [1/2 definitions]
agitation the stirring up of public unrest or controversy over some social or political issue. [1/3 definitions]
agony great or intense pain and suffering in the mind or body, usually over a long period of time.
air taxi a small aircraft that carries passengers or cargo over short distances, esp. to places not served by regular airlines.
all clear the signal that an air raid or disaster drill is over.
allover covering, or repeated over, an entire surface.
all over with completely finished; over.